You are One of a Kind

Understand better
how exactly you are unique -
and use this knowledge to
do your best work while flourishing

Welcome - Hallihallo - Salut - Ciao - Holà

You are at the right place if you are searching for joint learning, exploring and peer support with and from other not very common Bright Women Entrepreneurs and Professionals.

Hi, my name is Patricia Mauerhofer

Founder, Guide & Facilitator of The SPACE Sorority

Excellent, you found a way to this space! Pleased to "meet" you.

I am a Swiss teacher, writer and coach for Bright Women worldwide.

I blend training & professional experiences in communication, project management and public health with scientific research in various areas to support you do your best work and flourish yourself.

Want to join the SPACE Sorority in 2024?

For now the doors are closed. Contact us to book a call with Patricia and let us know why you would love to join the SPACE Sorority in autumn 2024.

Learn the Two Keys to Unlock Your Potential

Know Yourself

You are multifaceted and polyvalent.

Only if your really understand how your are extra intelligent (intellectually, emotionally, socially) you will be efficient & effective in different environments and various contexts.

Prioritize Your Own Power

You are value-driven and want to do good.

Once you respect your uncommon needs & play to you unique strenghts you can set boundaries and say no without feeling guilty or exhausting yourself and focus on the activities that bring you joy, energy, and meaning.

What is The SPACE Sorority?


Online co-working space: come together to “eat frogs”, get stuff done and do your best work.

Monthly creative Live Workshops guided by Patricia: writing, visual thinking, painting, and moving.

Learn more...


Patricia Mauerhofer teaches her signature SPACE Method - a modular process combining scientific evidence and concrete things to try out, implement and explore.

Learn How to Prosper with Poise step by step.

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Be part of an awesome community in a Safe Space with other women "of that ilk".

Ask your peers anything anytime & on the flip side be useful, give feedback and advice (if requested).

Access 24/7

SPACE Sisters are dwelling in Ximension

Ximension is a physical environment as well as a state of mind. 
Spending time in Ximension allows you to experience:
✓   Effortless communication and seamless conversations
✓   Exchanging ideas in multiple channels simultaneously
✓   Embracing your extra intelligence
✓   Normalizing being uncommon or "abnormal"

Would You Love to Join the SPACE Sorority in 2024?

The community for SPACE Sisters is on invitation only.
It started in November 2023 with a small number of Bright Women.

Contact us to book a call with Patricia and find out together if the SPACE Sorority is a good fit for you.

What Can You Expect in the SPACE Sorority?

Ponder Less - Dare More

Applying the tools of the SPACE Method will allow you to:
get out of your head,
stop overthinking, and
do what feels right
= trusting yourself.

Learn to connect your mind & body and then pass to action swiftly.

Be inspired to dare more through the examples and support you get from your SPACE Sisters.

Play More - Enjoy the Journey

Thanks to creative and playful tools and exercises you'll:
free space,
get rid of ballast,
uncover hidden treasures,
get momentum, and
stay motivated to


Co-create, explore & play with others; I promise that you'll make unexpected discoveries.

Find Playmates - Give, Take, Belong

Connect and interact with other smart, value-driven Language Lovers from around the world who are just like you.

Learn, co-create and share with other Bright Women in a cosy & safe space.

Ask questions & get feedback,
give and receive advice
in a private Forum (24/7).

Practice "being you" in Ximension.

Alles klar? Questions ?

You're interested in joining the SPACE Sorority but need to talk things through? That's great.

Applicants need to speak with Patricia first anyway.

Do You Want to Do your Best Work & Flourish?
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